h&m tunic and trench, citizens of humanity jeans courtesy of revolve, vintage boots, ray ban wayfarers, marc by marc jacobs bag, black peace now bow
Japantown date was a mild success saved only by delicious food and the fact that BF was there to keep me company. Hair refused to cooperate, weather was weird (60s + wind? in late May? are you kidding me?!), Muni was annoying as ever, blah, blah, etc. Let's focus on the nice things in life, yes? The trip started out with
ramen at Suzu (which I've already blogged about and was delicious as always) and a quick walk around the Japanese mall before popping in to New People for Blue Bottle coffee. BF was preparing to roast a 9 pound chunk of pork for dinner and had to leave me at 5pm to baste it. So why didn't I go with him? I had to stick around for the North American premiere of my favorite anime film,
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. Yes, I went alone and no, I do not have any friends up here who are as into anime as I am. Maybe I cared for a second, but I wasn't about to force BF to go with me although he did offer to accompany me.

Oh hi, cutie! And look at the sandals (below) which he ordered from
OAK just in time for summer. But yes, the movie. I've been writing a long rant for the past 30 minutes but decided to scrap it, maybe that's just something I should keep to myself. Let's just say it involved creepy male anime fans from all over the country who are probably legitimately in love with anime characters, a mini crisis where I questioned my own sanity for going to that screening alone*, and a renewed appreciation for where I stand as an anime fan. Not quite obsessed, but not just a casual viewer. I just really like it, okay? Okay. Although maybe this outfit wasn't such a good idea in a place where I didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb...
*by this I should clarify that by then I'd already watched the movie over five times since I wrote half of my senior seminar's final research paper on it and it was a bit absurd to be purposely hanging around there alone with all these overtly crazy people. My real problem wasn't about being alone, it was about being in a situation where I made an effort to see something I'd already seen and felt weird upon realizing I may be just like them. Eeeesh. At least I didn't audibly gasp and say "OMG!" in a creepy way every time a certain cute character came on? You have no idea how many times I shuddered during the movie. People are so weird.